Friday, April 10, 2009

One Nighters

It has come to my attention that the one night stand has become increasingly less popular... especially with age. What gives? Why not have a good time, maybe you just had a rough day, maybe its your birthday, maybe he/she is hot... who cares, it was in the moment, it felt right, why not.

Well apparently that's not the case to a lot of people. Is it jealousy, is it how they were raised, is it that maybe they dont enjoy it as much? Who knows... I for one enjoy the company of a cute girl. I dont quite understand the concept of why it is looked down upon so much. I find that if he/she meets a someone of interest out on the town that life is way to short to think what if; however, if he/she is running around every weekend with a different guy that is a little different, in my opinion. I just dont see what the big deal is if you are genuinely attracted to someone why you have to play some game of cat and mouse to see who wants who more, or who has the power of this and that... politics is it in fucking everything?

Not only is there the overall issue of the 'one night stand,' but it is also EXTREMELY biased towards the females. When a guy sleeps with a couple hot girls he is seen as a 'pimp,' 'the man,' etc., but when a girl does the same thing she is looked down upon as being 'easy, 'loose,' etc. Granted I am not a girl so I dont exactly know, but from all the drama I have observed in my quarter century of existence it seems that girls are much harsher on each other about it.

I am not exactly saying for everyone to run around sleeping with each other, but if something feels right why go against it? Science goes beyond my vocabulary to explain the most ridiculous phenomenons with elaborate hypotheses and everyone believes it. When two people are attracted to each other doesnt that just make sense? I dont know, maybe i am less inhibited than others, or maybe I am just wierd.

Do your thing, whatever that may be.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the one night stand is at issue in our generation because it conflicts with the romantic notion of true love that our bizarre American culture has pushed typically with Disney princess movies and romantic comedies. For some reason it is popular to feel guilt about behaviors where our animal nature overtakes our "higher level" sexual ethics and so called responsibilities. Thats not to say that we should indulge our every animal impulse, but to deny all of them is to deny our humanity. As a species we need to come to the realization that we are still animals, but we have the ability to aspire for something more, a higher purpose.
    Overall I cherish my one nighters, they tend to be amusing anecdotes and learning experiences. I recognize that I didnt always let the morning go well but sometimes you just know that you have NO Business being with a person again, It was just an impulse that has been fulfilled. What is terrible about one night stands is that we are tempting fate with people we are truly incompatible with or have the potential to throw our lives into utter confusion. A one night stand is not something I aspire to, they just happen sometimes. "Two strangers like passing ships in the night" so they say. Be thankful for the experience, protect yourself as much as possible and try to have some respect for your partner.
