Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Losing is Winning in the USA

It has finally all come full circle I understand it ALL!!!

When you are in Pre-K it doesn't matter if you draw a Zebra or a Cat you still get the 'E' for effort. In 2nd grade it doesn't matter if you loop your cursive 'O' or not you still get a funny/cool sticker. When you are part of team as a child they don't even KEEP score, are you serious!?!? Whats the point of playing a game if nobody 'knows' who wins. Each team gets their own trophy at the end of the season and each individual team is told by their respective coach how great they are... this of course continues for about ten years. I mean as a Highschool kid they even MADE an extra lacrosse team or rowing team because certain kids could'nt make it on the Varisty or even Junior Varsity, they had to make a JV B team!!!

I will admit I was one of the kids who made the JV B lacrosse team; however, after fully commiting myself to the sport (I was also playing soccer my freshman year) for 1 year I was able to make the jump to Varsity my sophomore year - lesson 1. OUR, scratch that, the AMERICAN culture is built on making people feel good. The easisest example for me is how often have you actually told your friend 'NO' I cannot go to that party or that club because of 'etc.' I bet virtually nobody has in the past year its always ' we will see, 'maybe,' 'let me think about it,' or 'let me call you in a bit.' How hard is it to just say no? you see it is all about pleasing people.

Onto the good stuff. CEO's are fucking serious!!!! I consider myself first generation American, whether I really am or not (I am the first American born in my family), and over the past 3 months or so I have seen the WORST people of our country get rewarded with BILLIONS of dollars. Typo? no not at all!!! What is it with our country that we cant deal with faliure?!?! I got suspended from college, it SUCKED, I did what I had to and STILL graduated in four years (Aug 02 - May 06) - lesson 2.

I have digressed, for example if the company my father has started all of a sudden was not doing well he would be stuck up shit creek without a paddle, and that would be the end of that. Thanks for coming out, you tried hard, better luck next time is what he would be hearing. BUT, if you happen to royally screw over MULTI million dollar business and FUCK with everyone's life insurance and cash flow you get a several million dollar bonus and a 'do better next time.'

ARE YOU SERIOUS OBAMA!!! how the hell is helping the CEO's and Execs that maybe not totally on purpose, but sure as hell knew something of what they were unleashing on the American people going to do anything???? They already have money, they have millions!!! I have never seen that much money, nor do I want to, I have been too happy having enough to get by but still enough to have fun. Why do people that screw the lives of millions over deserve anything??

I was told as a small child 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you.' It seems it is the reverse here. Bullies get their way, you fuck up and you get a pat on the back, you ruin millions of lives you get several million dollar bonus, but you fuck up one small business plan of maybe $30,000 and bankrupt you go, welcome to being empovrished... welcome to the USA where its always ok to lose because really you are winning (if your a CEO or something)

I know I am not the only one feeling cheated, but that isn't even the most important effect of this disaster. What is? The culture we have instilled upon the young children growing up. How will they ever learn if they are never let to fail. I have written about two times when I FAILED, but i learned got back on the horse and kicked ass harder than before. My counterparts in Europe, aka my family, have failed numerous courses over the years of schooling and it has made them appreciate the concept of hard work and really releshing the outcome of so much hard work. When HS teachers are passing their students to do them a favor, or giving extra credit they being detrimental to the future of the kid and how he will deal with failure.

I could write a book on this, but I think my point has gotten across so I will end it now... maybe we can revisit this topic some other time


  1. haha good post, I agree with you!!

    As an addendum to that I'd like to add the fact that your parents tell you every day when you're growing up about how you can 'do anything you set your mind to'. When you grow up and mature a bit, you realize that's not always the case. When you're 24 and job searching, your parents want you to jump at every job thrown your way, regardless if it's even remotely related to what you want to do. It changes from 'do what makes you happy' to 'take this because its a job'. I understand that happiness doesn't pay bills but still, the abrupt 180 can be a bit jarring....

  2. what kind of wishy-washy texan plays lacross?
