Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are you vain? yes you are!

The issue of being vain, or really what vain meant came up in my house between one of my room mates and good friend and it was kind of funny because one of them didn't know exactly what it meant. Does it even matter though? Aren't we all?

Apparently a girl asked him, 'hey are you vain?' Not really knowing/realizing the negative connotation that is associated with the word he responded 'yes.'

So I began to think, am I vain? are my friends vain? are they vain? etc... until I came upon the question 'Who isn't vain?' I don't think ANYONE, well at least anyone reading this blog post is not vain. Pretty much from the time we are born to when we die we have all sorts of pressure to conform or look a certain way. Even if you don't conform though you are going for a specific look. You want to make sure you stand out in a way... even if its the don't look at me I hate life, but really I want you to look at me and see how cool/different I am look.

I am def guilty... doing yoga, the couple push ups a day, the not so frequent jogs... its all part of my master plan, to look good :). Isn't that what everyone wants? to look good?

Now looking good is a different topic all together. To some looking good is looking like a super model, to some its wearing the hippest clothes, and still to more it is hopefully just being comfortable with your body. Being comfortable with it though I hope does not mean to do nothing about it, but more to understand your body. For example I cannot dunk but it doesn't mean i still don't try, or I know i am not Fernando Torres or some other super star soccer player, but it doesn't keep me from playing at a different level.

Any who, I believe we are all vain to some degree, but what really matters is how you let it effect your life. The worst example of this EVER happened to me in college. One of my friends started to seriously freak out when I asked to touch his Don King looking hair. A) he was white B) Are you fucking serious its your hair!? C) he looked like one of those idiots out of the 'My New Haircut' you tube video sensation. Wasn't like I wanted to run a lawn mower through his hair, in Texas, at least back in the day, I wasn't used to these types douche bag... but i have learned to adapt and deal.

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