Friday, May 1, 2009


What the hell is it these days with the people on Facebook?!? It has become a virtual world for people to escape into in the past couple months. When I originally signed up, I thought that FB was the coolest thing because I was going to be able to keep up with all my friends from Dallas while I was in DC, and then vice versa once I graduated. I mean I have friedns in LA, NYC, Chicago, Puerto Rico, Rochester, Austin, etc. there is no way I am going to find the right time to call them when I want to let them know something, and who checks voicemail these days? not my friends, haha. So basically I thought FB would be awsome to keep in touch with ppl.

Recently though everytime I log on, some 'friend' of mine has filled out the most recent: This is what kind of Xmen, Golden Girl, Shot, Character, etc you are. Are you kidding me? You need some electronic device to stimulate you? I mean I could tell you right now with out even looking at a test or question or whatever they have you fill out I would be Wolverine because I damn well want to be, I would be a Tequila shot because they are my favortie and etc I KNOW these things, I dont need some superficial BS computer app to spit out some garbage on how it 'knows' me.

This however, is actually besides the point. You have time for this? HA, i laugh at that. I love the internet, I just started blogging, I have a twitter account, I go on Facebook all the time, but for the love of god... my time is way to precious to fill out some stupid survey that doesnt even give you a free tshirt. Lets see the things I would rather do than fill out FB surveys: drink, sleep, talk with friends, 'stalk' my friends (haha, see what they are up to, sometimes its tough to keep up with them all when you're so popular), blog - like I am doing now, and well pretty much anything besides fallin into a bear pit... unless baxter is around, then I would feel safe.

I just dont get how 1) people need some stupid computer app to tell them who they are. Does this make you feel better on the inside? knowing that a computer is agreeing with what you originally thought? 2) people have the time to deal with such ridiculous concepts... for christs sake there is SWINE FLU people, lets solve that first. I dont know, maybe its just that I hate seeing all the stupid 'news flashes' or whatever you call them of ppl filling these things out on my FB page, or maybe people should start to be a little more confindent in themselves and live in the REALITY. Not some ridiculous Mob Wars, Motorcycle racing, Zombie killing virtual world where you get TOLD what you are.

Does no one else find these things completly useless and annoying?


  1. i agree with you bro... all these new apps are just dumb and pointless. such a waste of time

  2. I actually hide all of those in my feed. Besides being annoying its just another way to extract information from people to build files on them.
