Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Band/Group of the week

So I recently got into a new group/band called 'Pretty Lights.' They are sweetness. Now that I think of it I can't really remember... o wait ya i do. I was jammin out at my buddy's apt, where he has a sweet DJ set up. Including a synth, a beat pad, and a sweet program he bought on his laptop (that is the same that STS9 uses). We were doing our own thing, well really he was doing all the work, I just threw down on the beat pad and synth a little. Which, was honestly some of the best chill fun i've had in a while. I really hope it works out and we can bust out his set pool side... would it not be awsome to have a live DJ poolside? i think so. :)
So we're going through some sweet music with tons of WhooOOoomMMps, i.e. Ratatat, STS9, Bassnectar, etc. and eventually he's like damn this group Pretty Lights is coming to Dallas you should peep them. O and yes he said it EXACTLY like that. So what the hell, has showed me the greatness of a lot of new music so there I go again. Searching for Pretty Lights, artist, play... bam! The whomps start. Dont know what it is, but i can just play it over and over again... maybe its because in a way i am tired of my 'old' music. Who knows, the human is a complicated person right? or is that just the female?
Who doesnt love some whomps in their music right? so I took him up and went to the show with him and a bunch of his buddies. I havnt been to a soley electronic/rave type show in AGES!!! but I manned up went with them and i believe starting around 10 the first DJ starting busting out the WHHHOooooooMMMMPSSS and the dance started. O not to mention I was wearing shutter shades, ya i'm that guy. 1am or 2 rolls around, who's keepin track, and the next DJ comes on with some techno that I just could not handle after dancing for 3hours straight. So what is there to do on Sat night in dallas after 1 or 2, go back to your friends apt and rage till 9AM! So thats what I did. A group of 10 of us or so went back and did everything from kitchen bowling, to watching the BAD ASS thunderstoms going on in the city and watching the sun come up. Ya i was dead sun, but whatever, not like i get anything done on sundays anyways. Well enough of my journey.

Pretty Lights
My favorite song right now is 'Hot Like Sauce' tons of whomps! get in there guys!!

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