Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Simply all there is to it. I need some change. Not sure what it is exactly, but my life has become way too stagnant for me. Probably has something to do with working for a company that employs too many people, making any kind of raise or promotion improbable unless there is some spike in sales. Fat chance of that happening with the economy the way it is.

I thought I was going to be able to pull some strings and shabam a job would fall out of the sky, but no luck so far. Have talked to a lot of good people and been pushed/nudged in the right direction; however, the more I think about it, the more I realize I need adventure, I need different, I need new. Was able to get in touch with an old friend of mine (thank you Facebook!) that works in the mountains of Colorado, and bam here we go!

For the next month or so that is going to be my concentration as living in Colorado would be o so beautiful, and would at least quench my thirst for another year or so.

PS: living on the mountains and close to Red Rocks for a year would make my life!

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